E151: Michael Vickerman, Program And Policy Director At RENEW Wisconsin – Interview

May 3, 2018


This podcast is part of our new theme on big ideas. It’s the second podcast in our solar power series. This one is around solar policy and large scale installations in the Midwest, mainly Wisconsin.

It’s with Michael Vickerman. Michael is the Program and Policy Director at RENEW Wisconsin where he’s been since 1991. Michael knows a lot of about renewable energy including solar. Get ready for an eye opening discussion around solar and alternative energy.

Here are some other things we talk about:

-Why isn’t solar and renewables not more widespread in Wisconsin? It’s not technology.
-What’s the price comparison between grid sized solar installations versus natural gas plants? Can we say parody, wow.
-Hear more about the proposed 300 MW solar installation in Wisconsin. This will 4x the amount of solar in Wisconsin. It’ll cover 3,500 acres.